Monthly Newsletter: August 2021

Welcome to all of our Early Adopters!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – back to school time! We hope that school starts back safely and smoothly for each of you. As an early adopter, you have access to a high level of support to get you set up for success.

If you need assistance setting up your FluencyRevTM site for the new year, please submit a Support ticket and we will be happy to assist you.

Your Principal and/or Reading Specialist can direct you to your login credentials!

Our Online Teacher Training Library is Here!

Teachers and Administrators – we know how tough it can be to take time from the classroom for training on a new tool. That’s why we’ve worked hard all summer to create our online digital training library for you to train when you need it.

To access our training libraries, simply log in to and click on the “FluencyRev Training Materials for Teachers” library in our library section. Administrators, you will see an additional “FluencyRev Training Materials for Administrators” library.

There are five teacher modules, plus a resource library with downloadable/printable quick references, checklists and more. Administrators, you have another two modules that walk you through how to set up your site for the first time and how to maintain your site.

Click here for a video that walks you through how to use our training libraries.

FluencyRevTM Feature Highlight: Reading Journal Report

Each month, we will highlight an area that we love and we think you may love knowing more about. As your students start reading out loud in FluencyRevTM you will start to accumulate audio data and can start to log in to listen to Reading Journal reports.

Here’s why we love this report:

  • As a teacher, this is your direct line into how a child is reading. You can hear for yourself how well they are reading, and what they may find challenging.
  • You can monitor that they are in fact reading! Think of silent reading, but with evidence that they are truly reading.
  • You can download the audio file to email to a parent or another teacher in preparation for a conference or conversation!

Click here for a video that walks you through the Reading Journal report.

Like us on Facebook and share about us for a chance to win a $100 Visa giftcard!

We would love to connect with you on social media! This month, we offer you a fun incentive to share with your friends about FluencyRevTM on Facebook.

 To enter, like our Facebook page. Additional entries if you share with educator friends and families what you love about our tool! Winner will be announced in next month’s newsletter.

 Help us start a conversation about fluency!